Farm Photos |
Our cat Molly, with one of our Herdsires,
CTF Renegade's Vigilante. They truly love each other!
Some of our "Ccara" Classic Females (top) & young Males (bottom)

Nancy and Rumpelteazer BDR
Pet Costume Contest - Estacada, Oregon
Lily, Eminem and Logan
Clackamas County Fair - Canby, Oregon
Hiking at Lower Twin Lakes near Mt. Hood with the
Llama Llovers 4-H Club and Friends
Cria's (babies) playing
Eagle Creek Saloon - Eagle Creek, Oregon
Winter - 2018
Llama Llover's 4-H Club at the Estacada 4th of July Parade
Carlos and Eminem with the
Estacada Fire Department
at the Estacada Timber Festival

HOLR Thunderstruck |
2011 Celebration World Futurity Top 10 Winner
Purchased by Chris, Venesa & Emily Carter of Criven Llamas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Kayla & RDRL Chilean Carlos Antonio
2008 - Macy's Holiday Parade in Portland, Oregon
FGL Chilean School's Out!
Midnight Illusion "Magic"

HOLR Alex, being shown by his owner Jonathan Cauffield
at the 2008 SWWLA play day. Way to go....Jonathan!

Summer Daisy, shown here with Jonathan Cauffield
at the 2008 SWWLA play day
(photos courtesy of Jacintha Cauffield)

2007 - Rounder and Triften on a pack trip
The Sawtooth Mountains in Central Idaho
Thank you Jim Gosnell & Family
Sherri showing Midnight Illusion "Magic" in Advanced Performance
2007 ALSA Grand Nationals - Lincoln, Nebraska
2007 Northwest Llama Drive In
Farragut State Park in Idaho
Joe & Pam Staub - 2007 Herman Creek Trail in the Columbia Gorge
Rescues Llamas they got from us, that were untrained to pack
(Allison's Cher, Allison's Angel, Mr. Smokey & Rainy)
Sherri & Midnight Illusion "Magic"
2004 ALSA Grand Nationals in Lincoln, Nebraska
Visitors from New Zealand
June 2004
(Penny King & Terry Spekreijse)
Visitors from Switzerland
December 2004
Arnold Luginbuhl &
Rudolf Broennimann
2004 - Hoodview Junior Academy Field Trip
2004 - Portland Rose Festival Parade
2004 - Somerset Assisted Living Center Visit
2003 - Oregon City Head Start School Field Trip
2003 - Sandy Ridge School Field Trip
(both Simba-cat & HOLR Gunsmoke-Llama,
got on the bus that day!)
2002 - Hermosa's Haley with the Oregon City Head Start School
2002 - Meier & Frank Holiday Parade
Portland, Oregon
2003 - Phillip Foster Farm - Alpaca Excursion
Eagle Creek, Oregon
2002 - Moonshot at the Abbott Family Reunion
Estacada, Oregon
Summer 1996 - Hiking at McIver State Park
Estacada, Oregon